Wednesday 24 May 2023

 ....and what's new upon my youtube frontpage, dazzlenation?...well, that juxtaposition is making me smile, for a start off...although i'll be watching what maru-got-up-to next.....go figure:

まるです16。-I am Maru 16.- - YouTube

oh and that reminds me....of 2 st austell road, in a very alternate dimension - 'sandy' effect, regarding the reflection of light upon that kitchen top and yes, this is all a bit 'deja vu'....go figure:

with a reminder of the 'magic-maths-mush-room' yes, oscar had lost the key to that room, for some strange reason....late 60s....anyway, somebody has knocked through a wall from my step-parents' bedroom t0 my former bedroom and beyond, that - had been......coded out as the magic-maths-mush-room-blind.....the hidden room" replies BI online....all more than a bit 'deja vu' figure:

and gill would know 'why'...having been allowed into sylvia's 'drugs' cleaning cupboard' for want of a better description....more laughter....additionally, it had a window - although silvia's 'consultation' room, nextdoor did not...really confused the poor old wyss - after i had pointed out the window, upon the side of the house (regarding that 'missing room' i.e. which one had a window and which one didn't?)....and what's more - after the key had  been lost to sylvia's 'cleaning cupboard' room - the wyss went out of her mind and then had to go back to surbiton (remember her morphine addiction?...presumably she had a 'contact' elsewhere - probably arnold)....and there's a  bit more to follow - scarlett had busted through that locked door - to then tell oscar that he would wallpaper it up....and yes, the sick 'n' the stupid then did so - the door was entirely hidden.....isn't that insane?...."so frightened of being found out" replies BI online....and so it wasn't just CF's 'doctor' mum who was stealing from the NHS - regarding heroin/morphine addiction - it had also been sylvia et al?....oh and gill had also coded the following film out...something that i wasn't supposed to see, again...regarding what he, along with 'tim and sim' would do to 'crappy'....remember - the retarded 'sim' ended up MI6 supremo 'richard moore'...and so what had happened to 'tim' the son of a mad surgeon, eh?....anyway, your 'window-on-the-world', eh - BI?...and yes that was the room where toddy had decided to teach me about 'how it all works', let us say...oh and how and why did that key go missing? it goes, eh...and yes, i can remember 'watching' from a safe position, let us say - although not through a hole-in-the-wall, i hasten to figure:

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