....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?....hmmm...something around those who cluster around me, in order to leech etc etc...."blood-suckers" replies BI online....along with a rather select postcode....CO13 9JD in frinton - that 'crappy' had wanted a reminder of...and in relation to 'brian bishop'....lol....oh and 'upload from computer' upon blogger has just stopped working....you now have to drag and drop, to add images etc etc....go figure:
Property for sale in Walton on The Naze, Essex | Savills
the smaller red box - appears to be no. 2 esplanade...'cathard court'....reminding me of that shutdown dna job....also called 'cath'....and yes, i can remember now....she had lost her job at eaglehurst because she had been thieving from the room where the drugs were kept and taken a huge amount, as it turned out.....the scottish nurse, in charge - had felt sorry for her and so the police were not involved....which enabled her to go and get a job at another etc etc....without that, upon her police record and so a CRB check or DBS check for that matter, would not have pulled up what a criminally-minded 'trainwreck' that woman is etc etc...really nasty, to the patients, too - i might add (tried to poison one of them -because she had thought that the woman had seen what she had been up to etc etc)....thoroughly nasty...they were just getting in her way, basically....hmmm...reminding me of lisa - everybody feels so terribly sorry for them but at what cost to themselves and those around them?....see previous posts upon 'all of that':
oh and 'crappy' had just found out that she runs a certain 'select' service for relatives that want to bump their 'unloved one', off quick - in order to inherit....additionally, she appears to be in charge of food-in-the-kitchen, at a certain carehome residence, nowadays....lol...but then none of this, is really 'funny', is it?...oh and the remainder of ling's mob are backing her up, to the hilt...all 'wicked witches', eh'?....go figure:
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