Monday, 1 May 2023

 .....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?....more radio files - marines...along with an aside to a certain yes, i could remember him...mathematician malcolm's boss....rodway's children knew him as "ug-ug"...more laughter....a bit of a green cricket, let us say - that could turn itself into a flying scorpion-of-sorts...well, that is what they used to see....although i have to say that he looked very normal to me, this any tom, dick or harry....even though what he was to say, was a bit 'odd'...he began by talking about what a lovely day it he had been so depressed and then began to talk about aztec sun worship...'mr jelly school', to you - dazzlenation?....i replied along the lines of....talking about that japanese cremation ceremony..."and then you fly off to the sun and you are - home"....that unnerved him,, not to be put off...he then told me that he had written a book called "honk tonk and curly"....which i knew would not yield any results upon google...even though he was to tell me twice and then tell me to google it...anyway, i made a note of it and naturally, there is no 'book' available of that name upon a google search...and what else?..well, rodway used to know where he operated from, in london...."go to liverpool street, catch the 27 bus and get off at aldgate...somewhere around there - you'll pick up the signal" etc etc....and what else, well so many years ago now - malcolm had got into trouble with him for telling a 'date' that he worked for MI5....his boss then began to talk about aztec rites...always a threat, you understand....oh and later on, malcolm was to say that his behaviour was explainable...he was going through a terrible divorce...his wife was fighting him tooth and nail, for everything....which is pretty much what he was to tell me, upon the bridge - this morning....additionally, he was to say that he wanted to put his son in jail....apparently an OCD gambler....hmmm...odd that because we have prince andrew's radio desk file in-the-mix..along with harari's etc etc....oh and lastly a manningtree link.......go figure:

Honky Tonk Curly....HTC for short:

he had also said "i'll be the last one in"

oh and what had rodway been on about?...anyway, this is all about the 'violet hour', let us say....remember that T S ELIOT quote from the wasteland?

along with 'mr jelly' and his aztec rites?

anyway, new cross to aldgate rings a bell....rodway had asked me about new cross and i was to tell her etc etc....she then told me that mike williams had had a place, there and looked worried....go figure:

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