Monday, 8 May 2023

 ....hmmm...and that is why i had flagged up that BI response to my question - regarding their 'arabic' signal and in relation to quasi-collie....can you guess 'why'?...and that is because the connections - had had a hub, at the following address...which may or may not have had a saudi correspondent attached...sonia fisher had thought so (apparently traced it back to quasi-collie's network, rather than office - at warwick) and therefore what did sonia know about it all etc etc?...anyway - yes, i can see that we are still on the same page, amazingly enough....more laughter....see previous posts...go figure:

Turkish Haber Newspaper 

oh and off on a tangent again, dazzlenation....anyway, if you want an MI6 no further than 'this one'....invisible ink vs visible ink, eh?....go figure:

oh and what is a 'family-endowed-chair'?, there is quite a bit shall i describe it?.... around now....and not just in the in people 'faking it' (i.e. the 'mixed race' card) to gain more kudos, whilst those around - who really are of 'mixed race' - fail to find jobs at the local job centre etc etc...hmmm...i am reminded of 'beth lazroe', the witham heiress etc etc (priti patel now holds the mob's card - as MP for witham)...anyway, let us go back to beth lazroe - who had decided to set herself up as a 'penniless joosh bronx/irish brilliant photographer' etc etc...her fantasy world, you understand - whilst having a bijoux residence in the heart of prague - that she could escape to, when her 'fantasy' got a bit too hard to cope with...she had always wanted to be seen as 'hard-done-by' and 'interleckshuall'....more laughter....and so her money, then paid for a job at charles university, prague...what department wouldn't want such a huge 'cash injection' and with no questions asked etc etc? ....see previous notes upon 'sally morgan' and 'morgan banking' in relation to dartington and further many accolades and for parasiting off of those who can - by those who cannot etc it goes, eh?

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