....and now it's time for a 'twist and turn the dial' number...regarding photos and then a certain 'deo' radio file was to emerge - dazzlenation....hmmm....linked to what that dartington crew had known was the norwegian intelligence house, in totnes - up the high street etc etc...anyway, the mossad had decided to move in, next door....guess what happened next?...lol...go figure:
one radio file - marines...that norwegian intelligence number:
followed by jade laing's 'dd' mossad number
oh and there's younger's GRU file...the last to emerge...seeing as he had turned up last, with his equipment, in totnes etc etc:
and if we turn the dial one more time...we get younger's GRU desk in contact with the two young princes at buckingham palace....using a frequency that they were then to use for mark r's 'lizard line'....remember what the SAS had picked up emanating from that precise location...a frequency that had terrorised the whole of BI...well, almost....lol....so much so that icke was then to begin writing about 'lizard people' etc etc....more laughter....go figure:
oh and i'd forgotten to mention the doctors' brave new world NWO frequency....which came up much later on....after oscar and sylvia had visited dartington - summer 1989 etc etc....go figure:
and what have we got now, dazzlenation?....lol....looks like 'the sky has fallen in - chicken licken'...and yes, it's MOD time....go figure:
"prince edward wrote the program" replies BI online...the last file - see below...let me backtrack...the new DSC 6 file was from that SAS castle....and the DSC 8 file is from sandringham....and yes, the DSC 5 file is prince edward's:
time to get them all, then....the following is a quasi-collie number:
and this is quasi-collie's hongkong shu-chen-chen number:
and now we have marr's line - that he had originally set up at dartington - later on, he was to share it with quasi-collie at warwick:
and got it, finally...the protection racket, as it were - dazzlenation....remember mcgowan, who had started off at the met as one of scarlett's police?...well, this was set up for that office....mcgowan continued to use it whilst at no. 11 the maltings....whilst masking it with a 'two ball' number, over london - let us say....go figure:
and there's more....as there always is....lol....1. is a saudi number, according to BI online and yes, i was picking up quasi-collie's arabic connection, too but wasn't certain if it were a saudi line or not....anyway, 2. is an obama's desk reference to macklin's set-up at that 'end of terrace' central maltings house.....3. is jerusalem - mossad....4. is cyprus airport...something that crappy had picked up....and 5. is the british embassy in jerusalem:
and what else?...hmmm...well, what haven't i done, as yet.....lol...let me see...at no. 6 we have prince william's desk although it is kate who mainly uses it....and then we have st guy's at no. 7 (an obama connection - rather like macklin's number).....and then we have an odd one at no.8....BI online is saying kenilworth castle... but that isn't necessarily what i am getting....more likely to be warwick castle, isn't it?...in the area, at any rate - what about leamington spa....hmmm...something around that bullard connection...regarding 'castling' (something that victoria beckham had mastered, in chess - let us say)....anyway, at no. 9 we have that old prague rothschild number at knebworth castle....go figure:
anyway, for the last two, i'm picking up bagshot park and sophie on the tannoy....along with prince andrew, not too far away....regarding transmissions.....bagshot park and windsor?..."sandhurst" replies BI online...oh i see....something around mcgowan's two-ball-bounce...DSC 7 and 8....prince edward's wife and andrew...the two 'question marks' above...and yes, BI is right - definitely sandhurst...oh and mcgowan was to describe it as "a bit like clackers"....lol....rimington's nickname for clacton....although mcgowan's meaning had been a bit more cryptic, let us say...."you just set them off" etc etc....go figure:
and now i can finally see what you had been aiming for, dazzlenation....lol...and er...didn't that open up a can of worms?..."malcolm had been transferred to sandhurst" replies BI online...and that would be 'him', would it?...looking none too pleased:
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