Saturday, 6 May 2023

 ....and if we're still on 'a load of old bull', dazzlenation....what i find extraordinary about templar puppet 'j k rowling'..."their mouthpiece" replies BI online...exactly that....and so why is she so prolific in standing up for women's rights?....i mean to say, what is their real agenda, here etc etc....hmmm...somebody really needs to roll back the rug and find out....anyway, i can see why you're going with 'madballs' here.....go figure:

Dazzlenation (

(20) J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) / Twitter

and then we're back to the hor-sis...oh and as i had said before...she should never have waded into the debate, in the first place.....i mean to say - i'd plagarised my own life, in order to invent those characters....nothing comes out of a vacuum now, does it....and for a fake authoress to then attempt to assign gender/sexuality to those that she had most likely never even met, never mind etc etc...not something that i would have art of story-telling, as with all great fairytales, is to leave as much as possible 'blank' so that your reader can fill in the details....create their own fantasy etc etc....and therefore, for rowling to do so, after publication and with no real idea about where the characters had originated etc etc....pure idiocy...remember almost everybody had been 'queer' in my life, to put it mildly....more laughter...although as i have repeatedly pointed out 'dumbledore' had definitely not been gay etc etc...and yes, we're looking at john scarlett (a closet bisexual paedophile, who may or may not have identified with 'trans' - lol) with a sidelong glance at CF's stepdad in the 60s - who later on, played the part of dumbledore, in the movie etc etc...."tardies" replies BI online....anyway, all 'glossed over' - regarding my recounting of etc etc within the original draft...i mean to say, after so many years - MI6 'shana' was still to see and to count upon 'john scarlet' as 'aslan'from 'narnia' younger had upset the entire script by programming in (via subliminal templar tannoy)  - liz truss, of all people (and solely because she had looked a bit like a lion's face - lol) and upon a national level.....boris then managed to subvert the whole thing, by trying to bring both 'opponents' of his (truss and sunak), into disrepute - by that infamous BBC interview - where the interviewer was to 'faint' etc it goes, eh?

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