Tuesday, 18 April 2023

 .....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...a film that graham norton had recommended....a puzzle that cousin pascal had solved....in relation to the dutchman aka 'douche-douce' man....lol....bill gates...douce-soft....microsoft...who had set up the initial matrix model, based upon a tunisian environment or maze, if you prefer.....oh and the prague rothschild team had re-enacted it, mid-90s....giving block of wood the lead role....hmmm...the borg....inga and her ingabot etc etc...looks like norwegian intelligence knocked out bill gates, in the end?...oh and a macron type, also gets knocked out, too...after pulling a knife upon italian intelligence, let us say...off on a tangent, now...regarding a certain sicilian courtcase....in relation to laura 'n' darwin working for the RA cult - as run by prince andrew etc etc and so a plead of lesser etc etc...remember that cleopatra and her 'salad days' reference?...when i was young and green..."wet behind the ears" replies BI online.....and what other memory aids, were tied to this movie, let us say?.....well, gill might like to remember that he had been given the part of the waiter....oh and remember, the prague rothschild had once dubbed him - 'skull' the butler..."skull has a soul?" etc etc....anyway, zygote slavery references abound in the movie....regarding blood-drinking/coca-cola-foetal-stem-cells etc etc and you wonder why CF and the taschmanns had etc etc in prague....oh and 'flower girl' for the british empire, might pick up on the 'drinks' company references - see previous post....and last but not least...oscar and nini were to chat with some swiss-german students who had put together an installation - after having been inspired by 'eden and after'.......oh and earlier on, the same day - we had visited that cube-in-the-lake...additionally, i can remember how 'beastly', nini had been to me, whilst walking around that 'fairground' installation environment....a different side to her character, altogether but then, 'night-time' alters and all that...tend to bring out the worst, in that satanic sect....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:

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