Tuesday 25 April 2023

 .....and what else, dazzlenation?...radio files from this morning - marines....which we might as well call the 'sixy'...marr's had been on dsc 11...oh and the masons had put in a reminder of marr having a stroke, - regarding a man who was doing 'stroke' exercises, upon the beach this morning...not to mention the 'closed field' effect upon the local golfcourse etc etc....go figure:

the golfcourse and er....a bit like mechanical seagulls surrounding it?...lol...go figure:

although no doubt, those propellers act as a 'deterrent' etc etc...

.....marr's radio file:

oh and guess what....the sick 'n' the stupid had let themselves in, whilst i was out....to break off a branch of this orchid....additionally, they had also thrown that 'idiot card game' box onto the top of my store-cage, in the basement, again....remember jeremy clayton etc etc and yes, they are just a despicable set of highly dangerous drug addicts - who are programmed to pollute and destroy...and in the name of 'lucifer' or 'lucy-in-furs' aka prince william's girl child alter etc etc....see previous post ....go figure:

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