Sunday 30 April 2023

 ....anyway, that's me and ruth exiting the forest - fast, dazzlenation....and yes, funnily enough she had referenced 'jurassic park' although at the time, i was at a loss to understand why... no dinos having been told that it was one of the oldest forests in europe...joined up to the black forest, across borders...and had been left, pretty much it had been, for centuries etc etc....see previous post....go figure:

Star Wars illustrator Matt Ferguson and the return of classic poster art - BBC News

oh and there's something more, here - dazzlenation....eleanor lurring was to ring me up....whilst i was living in ipswich...apparently ruth had had a nervous breakdown and had been in hospital....hmmm...related to the above or something else?....anyway, the victim of the above, let us say....had been a fan of marvel comics....and the following is upon the timer system:

and what else, dazzlenation?....a cup of coffee and then it's time for petrol nell's favourite movie - something along those lines?

oh and are we back to ruth again, in relation to almost getting something published but not?....hmmm...if she had filed a police report and described the attack as etc etc....go figure:

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