Saturday 21 January 2023

 .....and what's new this saturday evening, dazzlenation...well, i'm on giotto - how about you?....and all because alicija (aka 'laura') had wanted to use his work for 'something', let us say.....go figure:

Dazzlenation (

oh and i had brought back two reproduction posters of the following scene, from which you could also see two rather large angels, seated upon a wall - above the sleeping roman soldiers....go figure:

....and that 'something' had related to paque juive.....paquebot...."you are all my paquebots" i.e. liners - as alicija aka 'laura' had once intoned......including a paquerette 'daisy' chain file...."easter eggs" replies BI wrapped present:

and that would be a reference to 'darwin'

and yes, alicija/laura had set herself up as 'queen of heaven'....oh and you might want to investigate 'eric de legge' too..a friend of hers, apparently....more laughter:

additionally, jesus and the doctors - anybody?

and i don't know why i'm picking up on the following but i am - dazzlenation...."onward christian soldiers" replies BI online....a reference to what that MI5 russian course - had been programmed with in jerusalem?.....go figure:

and what else, dazzlenation?...let me of 'darwin's friends at warwick - as far as i can recall i.e. 'mr hayes'....anyway, what can i suggest but that zygote slavery might have had something to do with the following...and not wanting to be a heroin addict....or anything else that the ill cult peddles....go figure:

and what else - if i continue to skip through what the BBC has on offer, this evening - dazzlenation.....hmmm....and when will they finally get rowling 'n' miliband for their templar child-trafficking number?

oh and the following is upon the timer system, although i am not sure why:

oh i see what this is all about, now.....remember the prague rothschild coding his team in as the 'bass fish' relation to parmentier potatoes, let us say....and yes, we're back to proust, again....memory aids and food.....along with a sidelong glance at susan BASSnett's 'secret government corridor' in that centre at warwick etc figure:

and they've still got quasi-collie's old pic up - on a google search....the photo had been taken in 1997, at warwick....additionally, the real 'susan bassnett' disappeared, shortly afterwards.....see previous notes upon 'all of that':

now at the university of glasgow?...even funnier....oh and i daresay that even quasi-collie isn't alive - nowdays....and yes, she had once opined that she had hoped to be dead, before it all came out etc etc....remember dabydeen saying that she was due for retirement, in 1991...he had figured that she was 60 or more, even then - probably more like 70 years old, at the time...and so, in short - heaven knows who is installed at the university of glasgow but it is highly unlikely etc etc.....go figure:

University of Glasgow - Schools - School of Modern Languages & Cultures - Our staff - Professor Susan Bassnett

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