Thursday 26 January 2023

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?....let me see....ah, i remember now...'crappy' had been online about 'tanks'....specifically US ones....regarding the ludicrous plans - submitted by zelenskiy.....hmmm....along with a note upon the timer system - regarding 'quiet on the western front' - available upon netflix:

Andrew Marr (@AndrewMarr9) / Twitter

and well, i'm no military strategist and i  certainly didn't spend years, learning it in US academies (as presumably 'crappy' had done) but anyway, having seen the have to remember that vanguard attack is lethal....and so is sending the tanks in, without airforce cover.....remember the 1967 war etc etc...oh and need i underline that zelenskiy is just another 'muppet' - having been an ex-head of the FSB and so not to be trusted with anything, really....anyway, those behind that movie - had drawn a parallel to what is most likely to happen, in the end - let us say....regarding western intervention in the russian/ukrainian war...."siding with the nazis" replies BI a parallel, not the same thing but perhaps a similar outcome, is likely?...along the lines of....eventually a deal will have to be made with russia and the borderlines will have to be re-drawn...which is something that gilly_breeze et al, appear to have touched upon, too - albeit closer to home..."zelensky's battle plans?"....i have no further information....go figure:

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