Friday 27 January 2023

 ...isn't this an interesting one, dazzlenation? are we going to plump for, first?....see previous post....go figure:

Jevne Township - Google Maps

and if you were expecting a shrine,, i can remember what this is all about, now....caitlyn and the 'black lips'....."black op down" replies BI online:

and we begin with a bit of 'hazing', eh - 'crappy'? yes, i know that caitlyn had gone to china with a 'christian camp' number - at 16 years old or thereabouts....go figure:

"the egg/oval cult - zygote slavery" replies BI online:

and what do you make of the burning red deckchair.....kind of weird imagery, huh?....anyway, the funny thing is - dazzlenation....that after coming back from that 'buddhist retreat' - caroline hughes was to tell me that upon first setting foot inside....the guru had told her "welcome home"....and naturally i asked her what that had meant....she began to laugh, that demonic laugh....sealed lips.....hmmm....oh and pines are a big thing, in the videos....remember the punning around 'o-lands-of-pine' by the sick 'n' the stupid?...'olanzapine' etc etc:

....additionally, we have a reminder of what grandpa clayton had known about....regarding a masonic rhyme...."the boy stood on the burning deck, his feet were full of blisters...."...and let me see...the guardian has his version...."But most of the anonymous parodists of "Casabianca" didn't get beyond the first verse. "The boy stood on the burning deck./ His feet were covered in blisters./ He'd burnt the socks right off his feet/ And had to wear his sister's" was the version I heard as a child"....a poem by ms caitlyn and 'heman' aka 'crappy'?....anyway, i can now see from that wiki entry that there had been quite a few parodies of that poem:

and the more risque version according to that guardian article - links to 'this':

and what else, dazzlenation?....a sarah holliday can't see the lighthouse, to the right in this pic but anyway....go figure:

"ra - ra!"...along with a joke upon the system....along the lines of....if the following were a type of 'led' that glows red when a current is passed one way through it and green when the current is passed the other way...and if you alternate the red and the green so quickly that the human eye can't distinguish etc etc.....what would it look joke around what disappears and what stays visible, let us say....dependent upon the background colours:

what disappears into the background and what doesn't?

not exactly 'shades of grey', then - isn't that interesting?

but with light of course, it's different...but then, a human being isn't a lightbulb/led....a led with alternating red/green would appear to turn yellow, when viewed by the human eye:

ATV anybody?....a mossad number:

oh and pat might like this page....fairy lights, anybody?....the doped and the

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