Monday 26 September 2022

 ....and what else is on my youtube frontpage, dazzlenation?...time for another 'art break', i suppose:

Behind the scenes at the Framing Department | The National Gallery, London - YouTube

"dear prudence, why don't you come out to play" sang lennon....the three stages of man....wolf, lion and dog:

 Erwin Panofsky, in his classic exposition, suggests that the painting is specifically associated with the negotiations associated with the passing on of Titian's property to the younger generations, in the light of his approaching death. The painting therefore acts as a visual counsel to the three generations to act prudently in the administration of the inheritance.

...a wolf counselling the lions and the dogs?.....and there's more:

More recently the painting has been explained in quite different ways. Instead of an allegory of prudence, it has been seen as an allegory about sin and penitence. On this view, it amounts to an admission by Titian that his failure to act prudently in his youth and middle age has condemned him to lead a regretful old age.

....and then we have 'prudence which comes with experience' and yes, i can remember BI discussing the painting.........and yes, some had laughed about the likeness to jon cowie and peter dean aka 'mr kite':

and who liked to play santa?.....well, dr tony smith for a start off....although as far as i know....CF had been running 'cowie'....go figure:

"look around round round round"

oh and you'd wanted to have another look at the fight scene, going on behind souxsie - regarding her band members, dazzlenation?

additionally, having viewed the following....looks a bit like 'mad ape' programming, to me....remember what toby macklin had found out about that south african gang who had etc etc regarding the british royal family?

and yes, i can remember now, dazzlenation....cowie played by his dental implants:

and now we're looking at what the mossad had been up to and the importance of drinking 'diablo' wine, let us"likud crystals" replies BI online and the dissolving of that 'likud' screen:

and what else?...well, i suppose that 'peter dean' was a plastic remake of lennon:

and what else, dazzlenation?...well it doesn't stop those retarded robots from trying, does it?...nothing changes....the equipment left in flat 1 etc etc....oh and even 'key-can' before he disappeared...left a note saying that it was a pile of crap....that wouldn't will kill them all, in point of fact....but there's no telling 'retarded robots' is there?....go figure.

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