Tuesday 27 September 2022

 ....and there's more....remember mark r's 'haunted house'?....lol....and yes, he had been talking about belle court, oddly enough....despite it being such a 'modern' building....anyway, off on a tangent now, 'gill and the gillette"...along with something that another shopper had left in a certain 'bay', at morrison's, this morning...and yes, i was to pick it up and press the black button....more laughter...to then find out that the eyeball lit up - yes, it really did - and wobbled around, i might add...a halloween toy - given to gill by the mossad, in order to control his 'slave', let us say...halloween 'remote-viewers', eh?...and well, seeing as 'nothing of that' has worked upon myself....i will add my own personal forecast...including more 'sewer' activity etc etc.....more laughter....more 'sewer rats' will die in the sewers until i get my money back and with a full public apology from etc etc.....i mean to say - what 'use' is rowling, nowadays?....hated by everybody....a fool's project, to allow her to continue...probably a pelosi/epsilo(n) number........and so if at some point in time....somebody renders......a legal list of who is the real author of etc etc....i do not mind if my name tops the list, although i want no further publicity....and that is because it will be a long list, won't it?....remember macron's sister who had penned that 'social' number...along with a 'templar collective' who had penned those 'detective novels' etc etc...."boris johnson had done a lot of it" replies BI online...flowery speech then edited into its final format but yes, boris certainly used to 'give the plot' to the rest of them...."give it to the police" replied another templar....to then be 'booed'.....and that is because a certain member had realised that the ill cult had used the met detectives/police, too many times - let us say...in order to write their 'best-selling novels' - generally available upon train-station-newsagents etc etc.....go figure:


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