....and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...lol...it would take too much time to explain, in relation to what toddy 'n' caroline etc etc had got up to...and so i'll just put up this radio file - instead....lol....go figure:
remember mark r et al, at the oktoberfest beerfestival?...he used to quip "i'm only here for the 'beef'" as in 'beefestival'...which had included those like keanu reeves....go figure:
oh and a man in morrison's...was to say, a most surprising thing, to me...."you might have thought that i was following you - seeing as i am now..." walking up the aisle behind you, as well as having previously etc etc (not that i had noticed)....more laughter...anyway - he had not been the same person, as in the shot above...and yet, he appeared to believe that he had been 'caught out' by the shot above whilst not being in it...isn't that 'odd'?...i laughed it off and reassured him etc etc....oh, and i had been picking up on stenson's 'crack', at the time, of taking that photo...a "crack cocaine' number...."one of british intelligence's best spies" replies BI....you mean 'one of yours' (and yes, icke had questioned firstly - what BI meant upon my blogs and secondly, my sources - in terms of 'where-is-it-all-coming-from?...ans: all over the place - so many departments)....and yes, i can remember that BI 'uber-spy'...he always used to 'declare himself', once found out...easiest way out of a tricky situation....how amusing...oh and i was to remind him of the bot-els, behind him....and that is because i am a 'nice' person, dazzlenation...you always need to 'look behind' in order to 'get' who your programmers are - don't you?....and yes, he was then to stagger backwards....and then, having somehow forgotten 'covid-mask-protocol' etc etc...to then come back up close to me, isn't that odd?...luckily, i was wearing my mask, to then maintain a safe distance - despite etc etc....more laughter...."stenson's mob"....anyway, this is all in a very 'alternate dimension', isn't it?....and as such only BI 'radio witches' would be able to understand it..."he had wanted to know what was in your eyes"....well, he certainly got that....lol....along the lines of 'why run from me' (and he did, then tailed off like a sewer rat)...why are you so alarmed etc etc....i am a 'nice' person....go figure.
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