Sunday, 19 September 2021

 .....and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation?....let me see...and yes, we're still on that rather 'grey' area....i could add a bit more in terms of 'spooks' and 'shades' regarding whalley....something around how dr tony smith had programmed her to be the stylus 'needle' upon his record-player, for example....not exactly a 'sunbeam' then....more of a smallish grey cloud....something that daldry had known about...see previous notes upon the 'disco ball', let us say etc etc....moving around the hall and 'reading' etc that chinese intelligence had picked up on 'radar'...whilst whalley was in shanghai....two of them, in point of fact....not exactly a 'disco ball' then....more of a UFO...go figure:

the 'grey hats'....more laughter...something that whalley had once described herself as...whilst handling a grey woollen hat....go figure:

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