Monday 27 September 2021

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?.....we have an update upon that snowdrome event....and so let me see...things were slightly more complicated than had been previously etc etc....not just an accident upon the slope, then?....go figure:

Planks Grassroots Tour Stop 3: SnowDome, Tamworth – Planks Clothing | UK

Dazzlenation (

and so let me guess...we have a lisa 'black cat' 'tortured pumpkin' number....along with a 'mouse' residence....and a 'mouse' crime.....a mouse who turned out to have 'wings' in a line out of the building?...a signal that was then picked up from outside of the building....and yes, dazzlenation....the interesting bit is why that 'plan-king' gang had attacked....and what the police were to do, as a consequence.....pulling the blind down etc etc....and so what can one say - except that the UK police do not appear to be as 'effective' as the czech police, regarding 'droog' gangs....go figure:

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