Sunday 26 September 2021

 .....and what else?....well, lisa smith/nee-forster had set herself up as a 'witch' in that no.9 house, totnes and as a consequence - had become a laughing stock, of the town - in the many dartington students were to have a look inside 'on the quiet' - as well as turning up to interview lisa 'upfront'..."barking mad" rama was to comment....ex-psychiatric nurse 'caroline hughes' was to state that we could try to have her sectioned but that was probably not a good idea because "they like her doing it - therefore it won't work"....and so not 'funny' at all, really.....horribly sad....lisa had been 'barking mad' at the time...a bit like that 'salad fingers' cartoon....seeing as she was then to murder CF's baby in order to extract 'dragon's blood', to then carry out her 'alchemical' experiments....added by a bunch of braindead, murderous 'trouabadours'...."because they are true-bad" as lisa used to laugh....oh and guess why lisa had then turned up in prague....along with her murderous bunch...remember prague castle and that 'alchemy room' that none of the DTO staff could remember etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....and so, what i wonder about, now - is why anybody had let any of them get away with any of it?...."royal privilege" replies BI online....oh and worse was to come....the BI italian team were to find 'lisa's son' in situ - at no. 9...."acting like he was reliving 'psycho'"....far more dangerous, than lisa - ex-marine, you understand....anyway, BI's anagram word for today, is 'vituperative'.....and that is because as lisa was to say...."i am the viper and the..." regarding that particular word....and what else, dazzlenation?....well, what else can i say but remember 'zork' and that 'alchemist' number?

and you wonder why, gilbert and caroline....along with clement and myself.....were  to do what we did, regarding lisa's NSA 'haarp' desk up at order to delete lisa 'n' CF's alchemy program....and yes, CF hadn't known that she had murdered his baby in order to extract 'dragon's blood' etc naive....and how dangerous, as a consequence...lisa had convinced colin, that he was now a 'warlock' to her 'witch'...."something that had obviously appealed to him" replies BI online....and so nothing he wouldn't do for lisa etc etc....oh and regarding buller/evans/whalley and their 'illegal mining desk' - well, obviously they were incompetent at understanding how the whole thing, worked....cue gilbert and friend....who then got a couple of 'ace' remote-viewers on stage, to track and trace a certain connection.....caroline 'got' it, in a second etc etc....anyway, i suspect the vituperative tongue of rimington, behind the whole thing, regarding what lisa had been up to at no. 9...'poison' in little lisa's ear and from the beginning...and let us not go even near mrs fishwick....rimington's lesbian lover, in the 'experimental' 60s, let us on a tangent now.....and so who had been leading those 'experiments'?...(e.g. sylvia had been paired off with CF's real mum - as a 'lesbian coupling')....considering that rimington had been being programmed by MI6, according to toddy (remember what scarlett/dearlove used to do to her - in that 'social services' flat, blackheath?)....anyway, mrs fishwick - who, had looked like lisa's real mother.,,...(one of her 'sprogs'?)...and used to attempt to poison almost anybody and everybody who came to etc etc.....see previous notes upon 'all of that' it goes, eh?

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