Monday 27 September 2021

 ....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?....i remember, now...having just done an 'in triangles' diagram (which references your 'sky blue' superhero cartoon with his 'antennae' - and in relation to seeing 'the whole of the moon')...this is all about a system that daldry had put together....regarding a 'black telephone' in the admin office of langley seniors - something that mrs hurry had known about, along with mr biggs....who was to make jokes about it in relation to 'pully' (which he pronounced 'pooey')....the shin beit SH I.T. line....rimington also knew about it, along with sylvia 'n' oscar.....later on, mr holliday was to find out about that 'pully' then think that he had got it all sussed....seeing as he used to be a BT engineer - he had worked around the world, so many different countries etc etc.....and so anyway - why is this coming up now?....well, firstly it is something around evans....remember his 'dad's army' number, regarding R209 equipment.....and secondly it is about the old telegraph pole/wire network...who uses it nowadays and why? short, mccallum/marr et al....are wasting time if they are watching mobile phone transmissions....because it is the old 'telegraph' wire network that they should be tapping - regarding 'pully'......see previous posts....go figure.

Pully - Wikipedia

M. Schmid Mast jpeg - Pully - Wikipedia

omg...she reminds me of 'mrs holliday'

Marianne Schmid Mast - Wikipedia

anyway, 'telegram sam' anybody?..unitel telegram services for switzerland?....and yes, daldry's system had worked upon similar lines to....sending a telegram:

oh and what's in a word?...reminding me of 'arkangel' for some reason:

and yes, i think that you need to dive deep, with 'this one':

"i'm bipolar!" daldry had laughed...regarding his telegram system - mid 70s....oh and roll on the decades....prague 1995....both daldry and malcolm could translate morse code, like lightning....something that i had no idea, about - at the time....go figure:

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