Sunday, 13 September 2020

and what page is Robert on, this evening - then?...apparently he thinks that he is just like walt Whitman....i'll reserve judgement upon 'that one' considering the fact that I haven't read either of robert's books, as yet....not that I have avoided doing is simply that books are expensive when you are on a very low income and I would rather buy a Jungian analysis number via amazon, now and then....see previous notes regarding marie louise von franz' work etc etc...go figure:

and in an alternate universe, 'walt' your best guess in relation to what 'he' might have looked like?....hmmm...does anybody know of a 'doc' who looks a bit like walt, BI?...because my sixth sense is picking up on 'something' here..."they say I look like..." etc etc....see previous post:
let me see...didn't Andrew neil claim once that etc etc...anyway, claiming to be a walt Whitman lookalike appears to be quite popular, in the states....go figure:
anyway, the only person who had looked vaguely like that...that I can remember...was Edwin apps...but maybe it was just the hair:
....and now I can finally remember 'something'...around the 'great hall'...go figure:

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