Wednesday 23 September 2020

and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...oh i see...have i got the cafe for you....see previous notes upon that 'dog/throttle' number, regarding the etymology of 'quinsy'...and yes, the following is extremely nasty...something that obama 'n' gill had done, at that solihull hall - see previous notes upon 'all of that' and it is all to do with microchipped teeth...causing extreme pain/sensitivity in the gums, jaw etc etc - in short, none of them had wanted to set me free...they had all wanted to run me, again - as a 'dog' slave...."gill's network - mossad" replies BI online...not forgetting CF, of course....remember what he is like, in relation to 'dog' slaves?...anyway, the programming location in clacton is the following...full throttle cafe, anybody?...go figure:,1.1392757,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMuWUiuvK3A7FaOcFMpkK_htT_MAY24oKaG9pNN!2e10!3e12!!7i5333!8i3000!4m5!3m4!1s0x47d9132ffb8fe229:0x5c55d5c80334a2c2!8m2!3d51.7943187!4d1.1392114

and so i think that it is time to say...nobody is 'special' to me, nowadays...i have no desire whatsoever to see any of you, again....and if i is more than likely that you will end up as the following and that is because with this 'toothache' number, you have pushed me too far...and you know what tends to happen, when 'that' happens - don't you, younger?....see previous notes upon that shard event etc etc...go figure:

or else....and apart from that...'full throttle' appears to do some rather good it goes, eh?

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