Sunday, 13 September 2020

...and what else? on a tangent now...there is a rather 'loud-mouthed-frog' upon the staff of papa john's...whom the others relate to as 'boss'....he can be heard...and very loudly, I might add...almost every evening...making a sound like a car exhaust pipe....not to mention all of that maniacal engine revving etc etc...I kid you not...and this is where the children at that south of france Templar castle horrorshow, come, grown up...some of them currently living in belle court...because they could remember the tale of 'blarty'...and yes, blah-tee was the nickname given to that man...I digress, the children were to wonder who 'blarty' was...whether he existed in 'real life' or not...donna was to tell them..."I think that I know who that is"...(s)he then took them to where the cars were see 'blarty' holding court with a number of other men....and yes, he had made the sound of an exhaust pipe, as a laugh - at then incorporate it into his everyday speech because it had made his audience laugh...anyway, 'blarty' was then to hear toby macklin's laugh, as he walked by (think 'Phillip schofield' and you have kind of 'got' it)...'blarty' was something of a mimic...and so he then began to laugh in the same way...'blarty' peppers his speech with that laugh, nowadays....whether what he is saying is funny or not...and what else?...well, the children were to find out from daldry, that 'blarty' had suffered horrific brain-damage from a car crash....go figure.

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