Monday 27 April 2020

oh and whilst this image might have reminded you of 'lost in space', is actually reminding me of an S/M 'creation' that dartington fine art tutor 'sally morgan' had painted...of a small yellowish figure with its arm around the neck of a large bluish/green creature....with fish hooks and a fishing line - connecting their lips....morgan was to say that she had formerly thought that I was the yellowish creature and that sarah turner had been the bluish/green one but she had then changed her mind...apparently it was the other way round....and well, I just laughed...what else can you do?...because I had no 'identification' with her painting, whatsoever...but then I've never been into sado-masochistic practices...and whatever she had been picking up on...wasn't something that either bothered or interested me...oh and in point of fact, dazzlenation...whilst listening to 'petroc' picks upon BBC radio 3, this morning...he was to come up with quite a few 'fey'-off-with-the-fairies numbers...including a version of scarborough, I have always disliked that song because it reminds me of that cannibal/heroin addict cult at retrospect, just an intimidating bunch of bullying 'idiot children'...a pity, really - because it spoils what is really rather a nice song, for me....anyway, I was to listen to it and laugh to myself...along the lines of 'am I going to SCARborough fair?' remember how john scarlett used to scar his slaves...and yes, he used to program with that song....'no, I'm not...just eff off - stay away from me'...'I wouldn't waste another moment of my precious life upon your worthless ones' etc etc which is why I have never tried to contact any of them, again and that is because I never want to meet any of them, again....besides 'ghosting' is so much more fun...LOL...a way, of getting your own back, I suppose.....after having wasted, so many years of my life...decades...trying to convince them to stop taking the drugs and 'living the dream' and to get de-chipped.....I've protected them...fed them, bathed them - rushed them to hospital in order to have those chips forcibly removed and to what effect?...all those 'idiot children' then do, in response - is to continue their attacks....the bullying and intimidation...trying to steal everything that they can, off of me - whilst expecting me to help them...(bobby's mob is a prime example, of 'that one') is all so disgusting...anyway, such a fey, wistful song.....for those who were/are still probably trying to remember what it was like, to be a real human being...rather than subnormal, let us say......go figure:

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