Monday 30 December 2019

...and finally i 'get' the gist of what this whole chapter...this evening, had been all about - brief....countyweb 1999 - belle court 2019....remember the whole horrorshow around the 'millennium bug'?....because mcdevitt had left a clue upon his twitter site...something around a 'powercut'...remember, clacton is an ill cult 'test centre' and so is belle court...hmmm...additionally, i am picking up on something that the NSA had known...because they had been covertly 'watching' everything that catchpole's mob had got up to....and yes, they had 'seen' where catchpole's
operative was going to hide out....a B&B down rosemary road west....and yes, that 'elon musk' number had got catchpole's mob screaming "blue murder!"...LOL...anyway, if we expand the field of vision, a little further - let us say....see previous notes upon what rimington had got up to in rackhams, bham - in relation to the stockroom of that miss selfridge's branch....because mcdonald had been most interested in a certain pair of 'new' socks, in a cubbyhole....anyway, the manager had been puzzled, at the time..."i don't think that we sell them"...whilst stock-checking....see previous notes upon what 'socks' represent in ill cult speak....remember the supposed bombscares at rackhams...none other than a bunch of programmed slaves, living in moseley, at the time....all a big 'joke'...nobody was prosecuted for it....because hey, they were all supposed to be programmed anarchists, weren't they?....scarlett et al were to laugh about it, in the if they were simply a bit obtuse...didn't get the fact that they were only supposed to create anarchy, after their 'triggers' had been given etc etc...anyway, back to catchpole - his operative had been informed that a certain covert 'test' was going to be performed within the locality - regarding a blackout....see previous notes upon how the ill cult try to terrorise the masses....might even evacuate everybody....or those from particular residences let us say...and seeing as the ill cult tend to target belle court, most of all...let us hope that there isn't a 'blackout' come midnight....this new year's eve...because if there is...i will head that B&B, in order to sort the matter out, let us say....LOL...naturally one hopes that the ill will not go that far...and that it wasn't in the NSA's interests to let them go that far...but you never know, do you?...go figure.

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