Thursday, 22 August 2019

....and what's your take on it all, dazzlenation?...let me see....Frankenstein - in the jungle?....go figure:

oh and I take it that rimington didn't like a certain thai soup served-for-breakfast, much?...funnily enough ALDI (remember how Obama breezed through that supermarket chain?) has one, that is remarkably similar...and yes, I can remember - now...the kitchen staff in crap taxidermy's kitchen had been starving...used to snatch away the bowls before anybody could finish...and so johnny then ordered the full then send it back...telling them that it wasn't good enough....rimington then laughed and began to talk about "the missionary position upon the board" i.e. not one of crap taxidermy's colonial tribe because he had been covertly trying to help the native population etc etc...anyway, 'the great war' wasn't the only program far as I can remember, you could 'twist that dial' to enable 5 programs to run at any one time...and so the chips were being bombarded with etc etc...rimington had picked up on Frankenstein...twin peaks was also well as the 'great war' and so heaven only knows etc etc...go figure:

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