Sunday 25 August 2019

and then there's the 'preacher' number, dazzlenation....see previous posts...go figure:

...interesting...because in direct contrast, you might say...I was listening to a BBC radio4 service broadcast live from Edinburgh, this morning...and very good it was, too...although I'm not sure what the 'united' church was using as a bible...and that is because the lord's prayer had changed...instead of 'sins' - we had 'debts' and I was to wonder 'why'?..anyway, I then figured that this was all about 'temple island'...see previous notes....and yes, I can remember viewing it then say to gill...something along the lines of 'it's a bit like return to zork - they're hoping for something to materialise'...the wizard's face, where the nymph statue is encased by the dome etc etc...a satanic Zionist event, at any rate...something to do with the ark of covenant....anyway, the Edinburgh service was to remind me of 'all of that' regarding a certain O.T. text, in relation to Solomon's temple etc etc...go figure.

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