Thursday 29 August 2019

....and what page is dazzlenation on, this evening - then?...let me see...and you're talking about what had happened at warwick 1996/7?...LOL...'crap taxidermy' had to have a pacemaker put in, afterwards...anyway, beluga whale programming along with the 'melons' anybody? (just above the upper jaw - where you tend to get hit, during a boxing match etc etc)...oh and then there's the RA cult (royal arch freemasons) number - regarding a programming pun around monarch/menarche/menorah/menorca....(men-orca = killer whale)....go figure:

and I've already extolled the merits of kick-boxing over boxing....oh and the whole thing had made david bowie laugh a lot....1983, anybody?...and yes, it goes that far back..."they knew beforehand" replies MI5 ONLINE upon the networks...well, obviously...go figure:

a MKultra 'dance' program:

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