Wednesday, 21 August 2019

and what about the 'imminent' dazzlenation?...well, younger had had a 'concern' about the garden centre...go figure:

looks a bit like a bottle top opener - see below...oh I know what this is all about, now...see previous posts...anyway, I had photographed an embedded pink 'bottle top' in Clacton gardens, the other day and then bought a 'toucan' bag, in QD with a similar pink 'flower' number, upon it...and it had been something around boris 'n' carrie...he had wanted to find out her a couple of toucans?...remember that 60s guinness ad for toucans/two cans?... LOL...and so where's the need for a bottle opener, eh?....doesn't make sense....go figure:

and what else?...a roman originals shop....LOL...I wonder if they sell 'original roman bottle-openers' then?....see previous notes upon that Mitchell 'n' webb roman VHS tape 'archaeological find' it goes, eh?

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