Friday 28 June 2019

....and what else?...well, I was to joke about Theresa may, being sent to meet mr putin - heard on dream100, this morning (run by ling's mob?)....being dragged out of the closet to etc etc....anyway, my sixth sense is telling me that the cartoon to the left, is all about that particular 'meeting'....and what else?..well, the joke book cover to the right, is all about alister's 'daddy'....apparently a lecturer at Huddersfield poly..."well known to the police" replies BI ONLINE...really?...would that make alister's best friend - who was to meet him at a nightclub - the 'rodway' of the piece?...poly-man loved making 'boxes'...remember box-SIS and matt smith?...anyway, poly-man loved architectural 'boxes'...and so no doubt, it would have been 'love at first sight' - at the southbank 'national theatre' etc etc....oh and that van parked on penfold road, this morning...the one with all of the technical drawing 'boxes' upon the side of it goes, eh?....go figure:

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