Friday 26 October 2018

....and what was 'new', friday morning?....donna was to show me a token on the high street....just after I had picked up that anti-static comb....anyway, having returned to belle court...I was to receive an affinity waterbill for £346.92....gone up by about £40 but then they did say that they about to higher their prices, some time ago - now....oh and that comb has DCO5 upon it....which was to make me laugh....having remembered that Obama had coded the whole 'comb' event, into the timer system....and it runs as follows....parcels/packets sent in the post/on the internet.....a certain 'parcel' didn't get got dumped at the trump administration (I was to 'see' the screen, in my mind - data was being corrupted/changed by a certain device brought in by somebody who didn't work 9-5, there)....which, to cut a long story why brennan/CNN didn't exactly blame trump....but they were to point the that he would pull his out, to investigate who had popped in and out..."you can use that computer over there"....hmmm....david miliband's name now comes to mind....along with the following transmissions....regarding the 'bomb' sent to brennan/CNN....because it wouldn't get to him - they knew that...."that'll fire him up" and get him on soros' side...."tell soros to get in contact" etc etc....oh and the bomb left at a local sorting depot - in relation to Obama...had been a real one and it nearly got there....luckily a sharp-thinker was to question the fact that somebody had just brought in a package...."where d'you get that?" had been left outside....must have dropped off something etc etc....the real bomb sent to brennan had been an afterthought...naturally, the bomb sent to soros, had been fake....and after that?...well, 'news management' all the way, I guess....go figure.

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