Saturday 27 October 2018

....and what happened Saturday morning?...well, I went to poundland....all a bit 'deja vu'...remembered the poster that I was supposed to buy....oh and donna had already reminded me, regarding 'anti-static combs', the day before...."I'd try poundland" etc etc....along with a 'spitalfield market' reference that ties in with that Humphrey bogart film ('I spit all/on you' reference)...."all coded in by Obama" replies MI5 ONLINE....additionally, at the new self-service tills...I was greeted by recorded messages from 'dracula' ha ha ha..."vot are you frightened of? come closer" etc etc....a new gimmick for Halloween, I suppose....which was rather odd because instead of Halloween posters, featuring Dracula - the shop had 'father christmas'/santa claus....oh and the tills kept on malfunctioning, regarding the metal plate upon which you are supposed to put your scanned goods - the tills didn't seem to be able to register the goods, once they had been placed upon that metal plate and so an assistant was on hand to tap in her store code and rectify the situation....which was to make me think hard - what was I supposed to remember....MKultra and the electrified metal plate...hmmm...and something around ill cult programmers having used them as 'such' for children/young people 'afterhours' which is why they were now malfunctioning (i.e. too heavy weights had been placed upon them, beforehand) - as it goes, eh?....anyway, how do I explain the next bit?...probably best not to say, as yet....let's see how things develop...anyway, photos from today....go figure:

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