Monday 28 May 2018

...and a 'joke' upon the system....remember rimington coded in as 'the laughing squid'?.....mistress of the 'pea' cult?....well, here's a squid loligo pealei reference....go figure:

and there's more....remember the Templars' secret sign - according to david Cameron?...well, it appears to have been linked up to a 'cross'...and as far as I can remember...this was something around CF's mission to get the 'red fez' brigade in on the ill cult act....important to make mention of again, here...regarding the latest clump to be dug up....go figure:

and the following....I of sponge bob's mates (one of Andrew marr's mates)...'Patrick star'...I can remember Caitlyn talking about the makeshift 'CIA lab' upon a certain floor of etc etc...SJTU....go figure:

...and then we're back to the original data, pat....before NASA/BBC/news-teams/'special effects'/film people get 'creative' with it...go figure:

...and at the heart of it all?...the satanic ill oil cult....go figure:

and so let me see...we are looking at the basic to why he came under attack...sent 'mad' by the satanic oil/petroleum cult - in Indonesia 2004...all plotted out, so to speak - before it even happened, in shanghai 2003....oh and remember - McDonald's first role in the US military...had been in the marines...and in relation to marine biology....go figure:

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