Saturday, 24 March 2018

...and this saturday morning, i was to stand by the self-service units, in the library...borrowing a few an MOD evans 'red fez' type, was to walk into the library and head for the computers (he had a blue 'council' ribbon/tag around his neck)....hmmm...and so i wonder this all to do with what rimington had told me - so many years ago now?...go figure:

"...they'll use IMODIUM...." poison you with....a 'killing joke' around I-MOD-I-UM etc etc....and how would they do it?...powdered imodium substituted for most of the salt/sugar, in your residence...and in whatever containers you tend to keep them in....anyway, the last time that this frequency program had run...all of that 'imodium team' were to lose their lives....and so - as it runs again?...well, go figure - the same will happen, again....oh and the same will happen to the next 'deadhead robot' team to be substituted in....and yes, of course....this is all so wearying for myself (having to suffer yet another attack upon my physical and mental health...yet another threat to my life etc etc)....and more to the point - having to act as 'bait' for those deadhead vegetables 'on the attack' (and it is NOT funny - think 'day of the triffids)...and for the duration - and so all i want to know is - how much longer?...until they are all 'dealt with' i suppose...and what can i say but that...the world is better off without 'deadhead robots', isn't it?...and so, in the end - it will all be worthwhile....go figure.

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