Friday 30 March 2018,-0.772766,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOqcboBKya8VQ948h8rp7-HTuN_9psneEpFVMdv!2e10!3e12!!7i3264!8i2448!4m5!3m4!1s0x48742abdb9a638f9:0x392bc5d50b077569!8m2!3d51.3298709!4d-0.7727659

well, this is all a bit too much for me this morning...and so i'll just leave it 'there'....wait a minute...a scan has just revealed that may had taken 'the force' as in the police force, involved (see previous notes) - for reprogramming at the venue, below....the ripple-effect, eh?...oh and see that previous google search for that Japanese engineering company - which had included shots of 'nuclear rods'....go figure:

nuclear power station rods, anybody?

may was to use 'milk tray' to program the trampoline park...go figure:
may was to say "because I'm the star" whilst pointing to that yellow sales sticker...

oh and david davis was to decide to program himself in as 'milk tray man'...go figure:

'the force' were then told that the following, represented their 'brains'...go figure:

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