Friday 30 March 2018

oh and there's a dog that looks rather like david davis....may's dog...."he had been present" replies MI5 ONLINE...and so it would have been him, with the ripple, wouldn't it?...because may is diabetic....go figure:

oh and I don't know if this is the time to mention it, MI5....but remember that obsequious little 'whitehall' muppet upon the plane to Cyprus 2006? - see previous notes....looked remarkably like him...well, actually it was only the hair...a bit thinner of face....and so unless he has put on weight since then...anyway....go figure:

I took a long hard look at his face, on my way back from the toilet...and the image so very like that man-on-the-plane...
hmmm....he had been seated a few rows in front of me....and kept on looking back...I therefore saw his face in 3/4 profile, most of the time...which could account for my memory of him being a bit 'thinner of face' than he really is....go figure:

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