Saturday 30 December 2017

...and what else is new upon the BBC?...hmmm...I was doing a 'compare and contrast' this morning...between the films ALEXANDER and SPARTACUS, this morning....along the lines of....hmmm, on second thoughts...perhaps I shouldn't go there...but seeing as I have already done so....okay I might as well....I was to think, well - alexander is a very good movie and it had been made for a very good reason (the pentagon along with remoteviewers, had been involved within the research, for example)....the only thing that it lacked...had been a 'classic phrase'...such as I'M SPARTACUS....I then figured...well, seeing as the pentagon had made the film in the first place to highlight what the CIA lab had researched, amongst other things....see previous notes upon that massive trawl, throughout 'the whole of history' - which was to bring up 'roman governor families' abroad - in relation to that cannibal/slave-driving cult....(oh and see previous notes upon it not being 'unusual' for students studying at universities in china and in the east, in general - to study 'entire histories' e.g. subjects like 'the history of western medicine'....and yes, that meant 'the whole lot'...all of it....manneke used to teach 'world literature' at Jakarta university)....hmmm....I then figured that it would be 'nonsense' to have a 'classic phrase' like I'M SPARTACUS in ALEXANDER because the pentagon had..."pretty much framed CF up" replies BI ONLINE....well, in a manner of speaking...their point being...that he had associations with the 'irish Nazi party', early on in his life - see previous notes upon actor Richard harris...."the new hitler"....their point being, that - is a takeover of the entire world, a good anybody?...because nobody thought that what alexander had done - was necessarily a 'bad thing...'in the history books'...and yet, almost everybody had figured, in retrospect - that what hitler had done - was a 'bad thing'...and so US intelligence 'at the top' were putting forward a somewhat tentative idea....that the planned NWO....a global monopoly by the USA....might not necessarily be a good idea....mark r was to figure that the CIA had been programmed to 'bring it in' and would go 'all guns' for it, regardless and so 'over to you' on 'that one' - McDonald....because next up, I can remember somebody like Caitlyn laughing at that MITCHELL & WEBB sketch...the two Nazi officers with their 'death-head' skull insignia upon their caps...along the lines of "it makes you think, doesn't it?" a global monopoly ever a 'good idea'...particularly if in order to do it, you have to commit such atrocities against civilian populations?...and as a by-product - end up worshipping Lucifer/satan to boot?....go figure.

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