Thursday, 4 May 2017,-0.1337122,3a,75y,190.46h,88.47t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1slDWZD3GcHVwAAAQvOkvB7A!2e0!7i13000!8i6500

hmmm...let me would figure that the ill might understand planet earth as 'the devil' because the soul flies free and upwards away from it...anti-gravity....the soul is rather like a 'noble gas' goes upwards...and some souls decide to fly into the sun...however, for some reason....and I can remember the 'joke', now.....they come back with 'egg on their faces'...the yolk is on them...because their time is not up, for whatever is the colour of pain....golden energy is connected with the soul...however, in jewish mysticism, let us say...we have 'ein sof' behind God....the darkness behind the light....something that the FBI used to teach their slaves....that there is as much truth in darkness as there is in go through and beyond the sun...the RA cult....go figure.

anyway, somebody and I would guess that it was one of the Rothschild contingent....oh and before I go any further...that son of a Saudi had followed up on his own clue-trail (set at warwick) find that 'bauer' organisation at a certain location (see previous notes) realise that they were actually more of an ally rather than a competitor/enemy and so they joined forces, come up with the following....see google maps location below along with the latest google animation....

oh and why would they become 'friendly', one asks....perhaps it is something to do with combatting Norwegian intelligence (which had jumped so many of the british aristocracy - including Jacob Rothschild - see previous notes upon the CID and their 'special needs' group)....nota bene Norwegian intelligence's infiltration of the GREEN party....and therefore 'worship of planet earth' takes on a rather sinister tone...."a bit like worshipping the skull of jade laing" replies BI ONLINE...exactly so - are they going to do 'that' to gill, too - after his death - as a 'planet earth - squirrel devil'?...oh and one of the Rothschild contingent was to laugh about laing as having been born a 'tree' rather than a human being, with a soul....a bit of a walking palm, eh?...alive but not fully, in the way that we understand human life 'with a soul'..."walking amongst the trees"....go figure:,-0.1337122,3a,75y,190.46h,88.47t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1slDWZD3GcHVwAAAQvOkvB7A!2e0!7i13000!8i6500

...and there's another thing...Italian intelligence were to look at that sobolevsky diagram/illustration...along with my comment 'like a Christmas tree with decorations' comment that perhaps 'going into the sun' (to the 'unknowable' upon the other side)....was a bit like a Christmas calendar....with an illustration of a Christmas tree upon imagine, that you are holding the calendar up in front of your face....somebody is standing in front of you....they then open a window upon that calendar and you can see through the Christmas tree, from the 'other side' (for the purposes of argument - there is no picture behind the paper flap/door or window if you prefer)....

....anyway, the Italian intelligence operative was a nuclear physicist, you understand....and he 'knew' about all of that type of thing....he had understood my desire to break the connection to my 'planet earth'...'the devil' as it were...gill had been coded in as the 'devil'....remember that demonic squirrel nutkin dance?....

....break the connection....but when you do...when you close down that radio connection...that particular door/window to planet do you then see things through that façade of the 'Christmas tree'?....well, you enable the opening of 'other windows and doors' let us say...this is all highly metaphorical of course, but anyway....go figure:

....and finally, the memory has come back...that is what Inga had done to us, as children - in the 60s....poked holes through the calendar then hold it up over her face...toddy was to learn of then find a way of 'screwing' her....he was to show us a handful of screws, laughing....that'll screw that 'Christmas tree'....that interface....which works for the RA CULT...the royal arch freemasons....the one that stops those who are not FBI programmed from gaining access to their full potential....

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