Tuesday 30 May 2017

...what else? poor old 'copybots' eh?....you can only take what we feed you....and as Sonia had once said, it is always possible to lie, isn't it?....anyway, i repeat - you can only take what we feed you...and sometimes we don't feed you entirely accurate 'stuff', do we?...oh and if we won't explain what we have already given you - then you are really stuck, aren't you?....and so of course you are now 'clueless' when it comes to explaining what you have been 'fed'...

...and because you are of a 'finite' form of intelligence i.e. run on a networked chip that is not equal to an intelligent 'creative' human mind....the permutations of which are 'infinite' and not just 'one hundred monkeys hammering away at keyboards' to random effect (at random house and other dens of iniquity where computers are used to generate 'new programs' ad hoc)....you are beginning to degenerate....not regenerate, ha ha ha....as the CIA LAB had known...and likened the degeneration to entropy i.e. it is worse than watching paint dry....in fact, it's more like watching plants grow...and sometimes I grow impatient because it is all so slow but the important point is that it is happening....pushing up the concrete and wires...destroying that foul architecture....metaphorically speaking, naturally....



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