Wednesday 12 August 2015

what else?

'black lilies' on sale in M&S today....remember Tomlinson's blogs circa 2005? somebody had replied to my comments about the zygote slavery trade with something around "oh no not a resurgence of the black lily cult again" whatever they might have meant around that one....

I mean to say...who would you buy 'one of those for'...apart from a satanic goth/closet biker on acid etc etc....

and so many years ago now...I had had a private 'chat' with those at the top of M&S....and one of them had said that they wouldn't have PRIVATE EYE upon their newsstand because it wasn't really "their thing"....and black lilies are?
in terms of could argue a point...'white lilies are associated with death and funerals'....and so what are black lilies associated with?
let me or white lilies are associated with the zygote trade..i.e. the arum lily....see previous notes:
oh I is another '6' reference, isn't it?....and the ill trying to spin a new text....lilies for weddings rather than funerals.....
brought to you by michelle Farrell? one cannot read everything in a name, can one? good and bad in every family etc etc....

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