Saturday, 29 August 2015

let me see...this is what is interesting me...'vic tic' see, in the CR UK shop today...a customer at the till...was to embark upon a long story about computers....and computer games...having just seen the till malfunction whilst the assistant was putting through my was to register 'twice' on the system and so she had to delete one of the entries....anyway, the customer who had noted 'that one' was to begin to tell us both about how the only use she had for computers was to play games on them...and then she began to tell us about her husband and 'celtic music'....she was to say that she used to tell him off for pronouncing 'celtic' with a hard C....she then repeated 'SELL-TICK' quite a few times, laughing...this was apparently the right pronunciation....

mr 'vic tic' has now come up on the timer system...and in relation to the following...

anyway, this is the blood group that my parents have...and my father was to tell me (about ten years ago) that I was probably the same...had to be...go figure:
...brings back unpleasant memories..."you were just a bloodbag" as daldry was to firmly state:
and again, I am curious to know...why...upon that 'VISA medical application form' order to work in china blood type was not filled in...despite every other box being filled by dr owen at the ardleigh practice...and the examination was so thorough...I even had to have an AIDS test....everything was tested...physically and then be told that I was completely healthy in every respect.....go figure...the Chinese embassy in London, was to accept the forms...without querying that 'blank box'...
anyway, in relation to 'vic tic' and vCJD.....that had been one of rimington's jokes about my mother's car registration, circa 2003 (before dad crashed it, whilst in an emotional state - driving to the hospital, after my mother had been taken there - having had a pulmonary embolism)....rimington used to point out the letters and state "that's because your mother's a mad cow" and laugh - she appeared to  be quite fond of her...go figure. 

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