Saturday, 29 August 2015


'st clares and the gorilla'...yes i had forgotten to add a little bit...and it goes like MI5 were to point out....CF had been called a 'gorilla' by one of the chinese girls in his drama had just 'slipped out'....he then retorted that he was a "guerilla" and tried to teach them the meaning of that word in terms of 'freedom fighter' i suppose...instead of terrorist....however, as those men in MI5 were to point out...miming that you are taking the pin out of a grenade and throwing not necessarily conducive to your 'charades' audience guessing 'freedom fighter'.....

"a lot of EFL teaching - using the 'immersion technique' relies upon miming" replies BI ONLINE and the expressions that you can pull, as well as gestures - 'universally understood' ones, i might add (and yes i had done a thorough 'check' in a book that i had 'so many years ago now' upon 'that one' in relation to chinese culture, before teaching that course)....which puts into question, the whole EFL methodology, doesn't it? i had been told that the children were not allowed to use their 'chinese english dictionaries' at st clare's....which is normal in an EFL environment....see previous notes upon the whole 'international debate' raging upon 'that one' in certain circles....

add to the of the chinese girls, saying "yes!"...once i had spelt out the word 'guerilla' as a possible name/surname....of south american origin?...the others then waved her down...they could see that she was simply confusing me more....

oh and what or rather 'who' had been foremost in my mind - just for a second - and after the word 'gorilla' had been shown to me...was the 'australian teacher of film' at that IB school...because in stature, he looked a bit like a bear....tall, thin legs and large chest....that was my 'best fit' in terms of 'one of the staff looking like a gorilla'...even though he wasn't 'hairy' and didn't remind me of a gorilla....see previous notes upon jay blakeney calling that film tutor..."elicopter man" and yes blakeney had dropped his 'h' there....i wonder why? something around gill's east end accent? i have no idea...nobody dropped their 'h's around st clare's, obviously not.....and gill had been secretively present, at st clare's...see previous notes upon 'monkey-in-the-refectory' and the whole "that bastard..." number....

anyway, i was to dismiss the above thought, immediately...'couldn't be him' as in the australian film then move on to 'guerilla' and so on....

what else? well the staff at st clare's had told me that all dictionaries were banned....and that my chinese pupils were not allowed to use their electronic chinese-english devices.....but one used to break the rules - and to be honest i used to find that very helpful - it aided communication greatly 'now and then' - to have her as a 'translator'...anyway, i am now going to refer to a much earlier event than the above....

the class was to tell me that one of them had been sent home, back to taiwan - a few days after starting at st clare's (before i was to meet the class - whilst they were all 'settling in'' as it were)..."she didn't like it" etc etc....later on i was told by my superiors that the girl had had 'extreme culture shock'....

omg it was the 'frum' wasn't it? they had paid a call to st clare's...let me a roundabout sort of way....young children brought up within the mkultra cult have been repeatedly raped and since brutal and very 'basic' way of getting a slave off another 'master' is to rape them repeatedly...."a change of master" replies MI5 ONLINE...."it's good that it's all coming out now"....

see previous notes upon what was to happen to me in poland - and in relation to mr putin....

see previous notes upon what was to happen to 'pippa morton' at langley seniors...raped at about 14 years old, on summer camp, by the french teacher 'nobby'....yes, that was his nickname because he had a nervous 'tick' which used to make him continuously 'nod'...i am not joking...anyway....noddy was unrecalcitrant....coolly dismissing pippa's fury at him.....her mother and catholic priest had then been involved and the rape had been confirmed and yet the school was to refuse to do anything about it.... and to add insult to injury - noddy was to smirk at pippa, during an  O' level french class...."you'll be glad one day" he smirked, as he turned on his heel and walked away from her desk - with the entire class what had he been on about? (we all knew by that point - about what had happened 'on camp' - pippa's best friend jenny marsh was to talk about it, openly)...and within the same vein, see previous notes upon mr putin saving me from a 'murdered-before-30-years'-old' ill cult list....according to mark r and his people, at the time - in poland 1994....because pippa morton appears to have been on some sort of 'vestal virgins' ill cult sacrificial list...."dead-before-16-years'-old" replies MI5 ONLINE.

in short, if another 'master' takes control of you - by taking you out of the control of another mind control programmer (and repeated rape was a 'quick' way of doing it)...he might just have saved your life....or not, as the case you see how it goes? i would have ended up dead in a 'snuff movie' in the hands of the british monarchy....if mr putin and his men....along with mark r and co, hadn't acted swiftly.

....and so what had CF done at st clare's? well under the 'management' of the frum...he had raped one of those chinese school girls....and 'so many years ago now' - MI5 had decided to sweep that one, under the carpet until they had more information....

anyway, so many years ago now - i was to ask them about 'that one' in relation to my first classes, with those chinese girls....and 'the-one-with-the-electronic-translator' was to show me the word 'PREGNANT' after the rest of them had told me "she didn't like it - she went back home" brave....that one girl had been...oh i 'get it now'....she had been affiliated to russian intelligence, hadn't she?...and the 'other one' had gone home....a real case of culture shock. see, that is how and why i was then to look into it all....and dig the whole thing up back again....see above...and try to put it into context....having no idea of what russian/chinese relations were, at that point in time....and i haven't got a good idea now - let's put it that way...all i know is that the young girl who showed that word 'pregnant' to me...for want of a better one, in terms of translating what had happened to her schoolmate (who must have been 'diagnosed' as being pregnant, afterwards)...had been very brave....and i have no idea what was to happen to her school friend...who was sent 'back home' to confuse matters, further....who had really been raped - and who went home to tell 'whoever' what had happened? all i know is that the girls could remember which was very unusual - considering that ect/stun-guns are normally used to take away memory...

see previous notes upon what was to happen at langley seniors in the first many of the young girls had been raped by paedophile teachers....and the abuse of debbie mcdonough as 'most attractive young girl' in that first year, was relentless...."you have to find a way to enjoy it" she was to say about the whole horror....or else you went mad, i's only sex after all...and you are only a child....and you want to live...despite those teachers pushing her head into a pillow upon a makeshift bed within their staffroom - to the point where deb couldn't breathe....see previous notes upon that 'roman emperor banquet' held at the weekend....the deputy head....gym mistress, geography teacher, sociology teacher etc...all involved....all part of the paedophile cult....

anyway, let's get back to st clare's....move on from the 70s (langley) to the 90s (st clare's) short, the frum had control of those involved in the 'russian/soviet sphere of things' at MI5....and also at st clare's....

....and that leads me on to the putin and his battle with the 'jooish oligarchies' within his country....within russia....'the frum' who try to tell him what to do....

...and he doesn't like it, does he? see previous notes....

"shtetl frum" replies MI5 ONLINLE.

....which means that the catholic church still has their triggers? what are you trying to say here? any rate, they've got to be stopped haven't they? whether or not they dress up like 'ashkenazim frum' or not...the whole lot of them have to be stopped in their tracks.

"the catholic church must have lost control of their triggers some time ago - that is all we can think..." replies MI5 ONLINE.

"the plot thickens" replies BI ONLINE.

...the frum tend to be programmed satanists, child abusers, paedophiles and cannibals....that much is known....and it is generally assumed that they have a 'master'....ian rickson was to name scarlett....john scarlett as the 'master' of the frum, in chicago....go figure.

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