Saturday, 1 June 2013

the above - was written by EYRE....and the one below?
check out the latest private eye MAY 2013 edition.

BUCKET LIST....Nazi time.....I am laughing, think that you are going to add the Templars to your 'bucket' list? hyacinth bucket list? the thin edge of the wedge in Clacton but yes, I can remember what you had done.....your DNA is 'right there' and not covered had committed murder.......

you want to add the Templars to your bucket/fence/beyond the pail - but paling sticks/wall to your procedures?


RICHARD EYRE had put in 'this ad' implicate Helen weale.....

he knew that my father had been MACMILLAN....

in short, Helen had wanted a job in publishing - the ill had told my father that he had to DONATE to MACMILLIAN's publishing firm in order for her to be accepted.........he did so....he paid an amount consonant with a year's salary........Helen worked there for a year.....she was so useless - that they sacked her at the end of the year.

in short, he had PAID for her to 'work there' for a year.


 'useless dud.....aristocratic NORWEGIAN.....but posing as English middle-class woman'....

....well let me see now......

Helen 'weg'.......

had wanted a job at macmillan publishers in the EFL department....

in order to get her 'first foot on the stepladder in publishing'...go ask 'becky' she knows it all (she was to turn up as an 'unwilling guest' at Helen's wedding and inform me that she didn't work for OUP and neither did the rest of them - see previous notes)....

anyway....Helen was far to thick to know how to use the EDITING computer program - despite 6 months of 'education' upon it by INGA# - see previous notes (I had learnt the basics in a morning - after having seen the program which Helen had put on my dad's computer - for her to practice upon - you just have to have a 'brain' it's not hard....).....

DR GYDE supposedly 'my father' and yet he has done almost NOTHING in relation to being a 'father' to myself - nothing at all....

HELEN SACHS - the cuckoo is the 'love of his life'.....ITALIAN INTELLIGENCE is dumbfounded.....'we are reduced to so little'.....

yes you relation to my father....he was conned for all of his life....he remains is a travesty of justice - is it not?


 and yet in relation to HELEN SACHS I father did so much for her and 'so little' for myself.....including stealing every thing that he and the SACHS family could steal off of me.....he colluded with the SACHS....stealing everything off me....

it makes you wonder - just who my dad has sided with - for all of those years....a CUCKOO daughter....the ROYAL GENOME PRODUCT of a really mad and ugly bird.....called INGA SACHS.....

to then find out that 'mad ugly bird' is very 'impatient' with him - at that 1999 VIEILLEY birthday party.....

in short, INGA had told him the a NAZI way...'so she wasn't your daughter get used to it' 1999.

he had to step back....

that was all.

she didn't care....

he would be memory-dumped about the whole episode - stunguns at the ready - and then applied.

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