Thursday 9 July 2015

photos from Thursday....

somebody had left nappies around...all over the place...go figure...

wasn't Thursday supposed to be ross...'hidden on the system'...apparently even marr wouldn't be able to remember...something like that?

secondly Tomlinson used to be 'man friday'...once 'out of the game'...who took over, eh gill?

"a mystery anchor" says BI ONLINE....oh well I can remember one which wasn't mysterious at all...colin's CR anchor had been 'Milan kundera'...time to cut that anchor off, I would say...

that Milan kundera anchor is a deadly one, in relation to myself....and yes kundera gets a bad review in PRIVATE EYE this fortnight for that 'insignificant' novel.....

little colin...under kundera's control...was still hoping to get his 'dog' back...or in this case...a 'cur'...let me explain:

CUR-EM-Y-CUSHINGS....peter cushing is a 'dr who' BBC reference....


oh and kundera had learned from 'somebody' that I had been programmed as a 156 'sex doll' in china...untrue....

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