Saturday 18 July 2015

...this afternoon was to start out as rather annoying...i was having a nap when i was awoken by a 'michael richardson' type of gang..."little boys being a pain in the neck" replies MI5 ONLINE...yes, exactly...and the couple in flat 3 had told me that those little boys had been responsible for turning off the electricity in their flat and other flats in belle i was not in a 'good mood'...having seen them under my flat windows...considering that this morning i was to find a trolley with that large container of 'whatever' inside it, under my living room flat window...see previous notes upon the ill having used that one, for signalling 'set fire to the block' as a trigger to ill cult slaves...

on top of that...having turned on my camera...little colin's tannoy system was to repeat over and over "die die die bitch" 'none of that' was to put me into a better humour, let us say...
i decided to take action...and having realised that the 'guardian' of more than one of those little boys...happened to drive ' this car' parked on belle court drive - see above... i was to take a photo of it...making sure that those little boys had seen me do it...two of them were behind the car, at the time...they had tried to get into it, previously...but it was locked...I am assuming that it belonged to a parental figure...

anyway, i then decided to go to the library and find a few new dvds to borrow....walking up THE GROVE...a man was to start whistling behind me...see previous notes upon the ill cult and their 'whistles'...i find it particularly annoying....

...and so i turned around and took his realise - having had a look at that photo 'back at my flat'...that the word KIGBEORE was on his cap....something that occurs in varied that 'little colin/jonathan ross' book entitled THE AWAKENING...i then wondered what it might signify, if anything....i suppose it probably means 'keg beer' in some language....

...what else? two youngish men were behind that older man in his black cap....i suppose that they must have been drunk - they were very loud and intentionally sounded like they calling a dog now and then...anyway, i turned round and took a photo 'just in case'....they then stopped shouting....oh i see - there was a dog behind them - having just checked my photos....and in fact, they look quite harmless, although at the time - they had sounded rather threatening...

what else?...i finally arrived at the see a parade of cyclists coming around the corner of station my surprise...they were all naked...
the security man upon the library door...knew all about it..."they do it every year"....apparently they do it for charity but he couldn't remember 'which one'...
anyway, having checked my photos...i can only read one sign...and that is something around 'safety for cyclists'....well, cycling around nude certainly makes the point that you are 'flesh and blood' doesn't it?....and i might stops traffic...traffic which might normally run you down...which is rather an effective way to make your point about 'safety for cyclists' i suppose....
what else? the security man was to tell me that he knew who had organised it, this year...and he had been asked to take part but declined...he then told me that if i gave him my number - he would give it to the organiser, if i was interested in taking part, next year - that is....i declined the 'offer' replying that i suffer from 'body dysmorphia'....he didn't know what that meant and so we entered into quite a bit of a discussion about the whole subject....whilst i took photos of the it cycled by....outside of clacton click click...
apparently the nudist cyclist parade takes place all over the world...and in london - as many as 3-4,000 people can take part at one time...and people come from as far away as canada...
"i'm surprised they get away with it" said the security man added, after a while..."what with children about"...saturday afternoon upon one of the busiest streets in clacton....but apparently they had got permission to do it....and yes i can see why he might be a bit worried about it all...the 'indecent exposure act' is supposed to be something around that number, isn't it? having just checked my photos...the man in a SANTA CLAUS wig and beard is rather sinister, isn't he? ....and if you are a true wouldn't be scared of people seeing your face...would you? so there is something going on here...that doesn't quite add up....
mind control involved? enforced participation? something along those lines? who knows...but i reckon there is more to this than meets the eye...see previous notes upon the ill organising that 'flash mob' in london...a photo of it was to turn up on mr icke's relation to 'sheep'...naked people crouching in a park...huddled together like a flock of sheep....that was quite definitely a mind control event...all of the slaves had been triggered via a message sent to their mobiles...they had had no 'choice' at all...but to comply with their mkultra handlers' commands....

do you see how this 'nudist rally' was to stop the traffic? that car on Alexandra road, didn't move until most of the cyclists had cycled past.... this is the man that I was 'concerned' about...see previous notes upon nudity and 'enforced nudity'? why on earth was he wearing that wig and beard?

santa claus wig above...and body paint below? something doesn't add up...


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