Tuesday 14 July 2015


having watched CRYSTAL TIPPS AND ALISTAIR 'amongst the flowers'...in relation to 'icing cakes' etc etc...yesterday...well, I had been struck by how 'when covered with water'...Alistair the dog manages to look like somebody pretending to be a ghost with a sheet over them....go figure...

anyway, yesterday I was to have a look at the MOON AND STARFISH to see a similar effect...in relation to one of the parasols...which is of an off-white colour....whilst the rest of them are in green...

I then spotted a man crossing the road...to 'read' the following...apparently he is 'one of those' who has woken up to what had gone on in and around rendlesham forest....

all I know so far is that the three people that had approached his group, in that forest...and his group  had included that US Lt Col....

welll those three people had had equipment with them..which they then turned on....there was a flash in the sky...and he was then electrocuted out of his mind...into 'memorydump' basically....

what else? well, yesterday I was to watch THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE (the last episode upon that ACE OF WANDS dvd)...to think....the equipment that he has 'for bugging' outside of the church jumble sale window...is reminding me of the 'box' etc that I was to see in the mind of the man above...what he had seen one of those three people carrying....and if there is any connection to be made at all...I can also see in my mind's eye...a device in the forest...which they appear to have blown up...at roughly the same time as they electrocuted their victims out of their minds....a recording device, perhaps? "a decoder probably" replies the BRITISH ARMY ONLINE.

what else? well quite a few visual clues around 'pink' for some reason....I wonder why?

I have had to wait about 5 minutes for the two 'light load' snips to be uploaded to my blog in order to publish this post - what the f**k is wrong with all of you...speed it up or I will simply pull out the dongle and refuse to do any more work...here.

gill had wanted these two snips highlighted...on account of the two radios behind the 'automatic toothbrush' I suppose...
...which will link up to the 'listerine' TREAP contribution from yesterday....
"...and the 'dental threat' at BOOTS" replies BI ONLINE...yes the army had figured that they might be selling 'explosive material' in dental repair packets...something that ignites after a while in a 'moist' atmosphere, such as your mouth....

the following snip took 2 minutes to upload - not good enough:

what else? well it is all about ADOBE for some reason....

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