Wednesday 8 July 2015

let us now move onto A STOP AT idyllic nostalgic illusion..."a fantasy world" replies MI5 ONLINE...except that it isn't idyllic if you read the visual subtext....where has the train really stopped at?

nota bene the shadow of the 'crow' upon the blind...and the arm rest which looks like 'bones'...the pentagon had programmed in 'SUMER' - their satanic Zionist Armageddon program and not 'summer'....see previous notes:

...and the bones of sumer meaning? he doesn't really get off at a nostalgic idyllic scene...he throws himself from the then die 'in snow' on the ground....go figure:

and you wonder why daldry, gill and 'jonathan strange' were to do 'what they did' at ranworth surgery? along the lines of gill telling 'strange' to "shoot him again"....McGowan had previously given little colin a bullet-proof vest....daldry was then to add "a few more times"....and so 'little colin' ended up getting shot 5 times....

....for his TRUE DETECTIVE scriptwriter/director to then tell him..."you are going to relive your worst nightmare"....being shot that many times 'in the chest'....

...and you might ask why anybody would want to do that to a 'girl child alter' in his pinafore/flak jacket?....see previous notes upon just how young, little colin would have been, in that alter....

"it was deadly serious" replies MI5 ONLINE....yes I can see that....daldry's team were warning little colin off...from ever going on the CROW-IRE network again....that MOD demonic enclave of Nazis.....which is why they were to get CROWMAN to shoot him, that many times....

"and in case he had forgotten, that" .....yes, they were to do it all over TRUE DETECTIVE 'just to make sure'....

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