Sunday 12 July 2015

what on earth is this site all about? advertised at the bottom of a 'royal christening' article:

I suppose that a royal christening and the following site 'go together' in a way:

oh I remember now..."the best I can do" Rachel was to conclude....and what had she been up to?

"exposing the frum - heroin pentagon robots" replies BI ONLINE...well, yes...I was to watch 'one of them' earlier on...talking about pluto....anyway, Rachel had been conflating 'mad jooish Nazi scientists' with monarch butterflies...plug n play slaves...."dangerous cult of science"....yes, that sort of thing....along with 'frum' cuckoos in the royal nest...

meet a member of the 'new horizons' frum team: 

"fingers on buzzers"...I was to laugh to daldry....prague 1995 - see previous notes.

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