Wednesday 29 July 2015

...and the 'new canal square'? I am thinking 'ears' here....

oh I see...little colin had been then blow the gaffe on them...'like that will happen'....

"Kilkenny Marble or Black Marble was exported to all corners of the British Empire[citation needed]. The city has been referred to as the "Marble City" for centuries[citation needed]."
...and the people of the city are referred to as 'cats'? you can see why the ill might have had a ball here...doing their biznez.

and it's all about the Limestone and harry lime, I suppose...a scarlett reference:

"Black Kilkenny marble is a finely grained Carboniferous limestone (Lower Carboniferous, Butlersgrove Formation) that can show fossils."

those two young men who were walking down Wellesley road this morning, MI5....they had been connected to that Scottish pair of clowns...and I might add that a Scottish member of MI5 was to go in and chat to those boys find out what the ill had said to them....

...let me it possible that those two young men had been on that video...see previous notes....two of the victims of that RH ill cult many years ago now?

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