Wednesday 1 March 2023

 ....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation....the forex S.H. I.T. short, those RA cult members of the mossad etc etc....who had been hoping to cash in on what martin gill had discovered etc etc...."the sun god" replies BI online....more laughter....never going to happen....anyway, radio files from today and the other day - marines....go figure:

and what else?...well, EON NEXT sent me a rather ambiguous letter about wanting to replace an 'electric meter'...and so i've sent a query off to them as well as CHP, the landlord - regarding 'that one' they mean the one in the electricity meter room, which is CHP's responsibility - where all residents have their meters or something else....regarding prepayment/smart meters etc etc....oh and i still haven't heard back from ranworth surgery and so i've emailed mr hicks about his 'emergency' appointment....asking him for his advice - regarding his recommendation to them etc etc...oh and donna was to tell me that nowadays, in clacton - the wait to see a doctor, is about 2 weeks....which is probably why i've had no reply from that surgery, as yet...but you never know, do you?...anyway, the doctor is the first step, before an actual 'emergency' appointment for an MRI scan at clacton hospital...and what else?...well, CHP recently emailed me to say that my rental charges would be going up and so i've emailed them back to ask if my housing benefit allowance will still cover it etc etc...and what else?...well, i still haven't received a bank statement from the HSBC and so i'll give them a call, tomorrow between 8am-8pm (just missed their opening hours, this evening)....luckily my new banking security code is now working for once and so that shouldn't be a problem 'on the phone' it goes, eh?

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