....and what's new this tuesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, first up - we have a couple of 'new comments':
and then we have a dodgy phone number:
and more radio files - marines....the pakistani 'banking' team at portishead house - had been using what they called a 'holliday' number - which is the last RF on the row....the first is prince andrew's and the second prince william's.....go figure:
and what else?...well, regarding the holliday number....this is something around 'marr-balls'....lol.....anyway, i have just sent off a complaint to the HSBC online....and that is because having tried to access online banking via my laptop....instead i was told that i had to download an APP from 'google play' or 'apple' onto my mobile phone....oh and having read the customer comments about that APP...they ranged from 'useless' to less than 'useless'...'doesn't work' etc etc....and so you tell me - dazzlenation...why do the HSBC want their customers to download an APP onto their mobile phones when at the very least....a mobile phone can be compromised or nicked for that matter....far more easily than your laptop, within the security of your own homestead....anyway, watch this space...regarding their reply.....oh and this 'bundle' is all tied up with that initial theft, as far as i can remember...part of the same clump....remember CID mcgowan stealing £200 from me, at that HSBC cashpoint in harwich, all of those years ago now....whilst working for petrol nell?....and now we have the new criminal 'banking team' - as run by the british royals - at portishead house, to contend with....and what else?...well, if i cannot access my account online - upon either my mobile phone or this laptop....well, i don't suppose that the sick 'n' the stupid will have much joy, in trying to steal off of me - regarding that account - for the time being...as it goes, eh?
.....and it's not just been the CIA on the tail of epstein/ghislaine/prince andrew, i might add....oh and 'crappy' et al i.e. US naval intelligence were to catch him in the end, to then etc etc....and so what are the british army going to do about andrew, then?...seeing as he has not only gambled away their funding but etc etc....anyway, i do what i can to help the situation....seeing as they will find those radio files most useful if they know what to do with them....and how do i know?....remember marr taking control of 'idiot child' prince charles.....oh and another thing....andrew's wife 'sarah' had told him to put her RF under william's name....go figure.
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